Black Bot C.B. Apps

Aprendo inglés con CT Lite 1.0.1
Esta es la versión "Lite" gratuita de laaplicación "Aprende inglés con ColourTrick"Esta aplicación esta basada en el libro "The Colour of Words"galardonado con el premio ELTons 2012 de British Council.Colour Trick es un método innovador que facilita el aprendizajede la correcta pronunciación del inglés. Utiliza el color como nexoentre la palabra escrita y su pronunciación.En esta aplicación todas las palabras inglesas están escritas acolor. El color con el que están escritas nos da una pista de supronunciación.Así las palabras verdes se pronuncian con la 'i' larga con laque se pronuncia green (verde) como beach, cheese o ski.Las palabras rosas se pronuncian con la 'i' corta con la que sepronuncia pink (rosa) como chip, build o myth.Las palabras rojas se pronuncian con la 'e' corta con la que sepronuncia red (rojo) como best, bread o friend.Así hasta 20 colores, porque en inglés hay 20 sonidos vocálicosque tienen valor significativo. Gracias al uso del color, de unamanera intuitiva vemos la diferente pronunciación de palabras quese escriben igual, de ciertas palabras que a nuestro oídos parecenigual o palabras que de aspecto muy distinto tienen la mismapronunciación.Encontraras mas información en la páginawww.colourtrick.comThis is the "Lite"version of the application free "Learn English with ColourTrick"This application is based on the book "The Color of Words"Eltons awarded the British Council 2012.Trick Colour is an innovative approach that facilitates learningthe correct pronunciation of English. Use color as a link betweenthe written word and its pronunciation.In this application all English words are written in color. Thecolor with which it is written gives us a clue to itspronunciation.So green words are pronounced with the 'i' long with pronouncedgreen (green) and beach, cheese or ski.The words are pronounced with pink 'i' short with pronouncedpink (pink) as chip, build or myth.The red words are pronounced with the 'e' cut with pronouncednetwork (red) as best bread or friend.So up to 20 colors, because in English there are 20 vowel soundsthat have significant value. Through the use of color, in anintuitive way we see the different pronunciation of words that arespelled the same, of certain words to our ears or words seem likevery different aspect have the same pronunciation.You will find more information on
Pocket Gijon Guide
Pocket Gijon Guide is the best way to discoverthe biggest city in Asturias with your mobile device.This app offers information about buildings, monuments, routes,nature, gastronomy, beaches and envents.You can find different point of interest in a map.
DIADEMA Reports 1.0.3
Black Bot C.B.
DIADEMA is an application designed for theHealth and Safety Coordinator at construction sites.It allows data collection in the field with much more ease, comfortand professionalism, presented beautifully.DIADEMA provides a form to describe the work situation,including photographs and signatures of the persons in charge.Finally, all offered in an elegant document.Forget paper handwritten pages.Forget making reports in his office.Make them in real time with DIADEMA.
Aprendo Inglés con Colourtrick 1.0.1
Black Bot C.B.
Esta aplicación esta basada en el libro "TheColour of Words" galardonado con el premio ELTons 2012 de BritishCouncil.Colour Trick es un método innovador que facilita el aprendizajede la correcta pronunciación del inglés. Utiliza el color como nexoentre la palabra escrita y su pronunciación.En esta aplicación todas las palabras inglesas están escritas acolor. El color con el que están escritas nos da una pista de supronunciación.Así las palabras verdes se pronuncian con la 'i' larga con laque se pronuncia green (verde) como beach, cheese o ski.Las palabras rosas se pronuncian con la 'i' corta con la que sepronuncia pink (rosa) como chip, build o myth.Las palabras rojas se pronuncian con la 'e' corta con la que sepronuncia red (rojo) como best, bread o friend.Así hasta 20 colores, porque en inglés hay 20 sonidos vocálicosque tienen valor significativo. Gracias al uso del color, de unamanera intuitiva vemos la diferente pronunciación de palabras quese escriben igual, de ciertas palabras que a nuestro oídos parecenigual o palabras que de aspecto muy distinto tienen la mismapronunciación.Encontraras mas información en la páginawww.colourtrick.comThis application is basedon the book "The Colour of Words" Eltons awarded the 2012 BritishCouncil Award.Trick Colour is an innovative method that makes learning thecorrect pronunciation of English. Use color as a link between thewritten word and its pronunciation.In this application all English words are spelled color. Thecolor that are written gives us a hint of it.So green words are pronounced with the 'i' long with pronouncedgreen (green) and beach, ski or cheese.Roses words are pronounced with a short 'i' pronounced with pink(pink) as chip, build or myth.Red words are pronounced with the 'e' cut with pronounced red(red) as best bread or friend.So up to 20 colors, because in English there are 20 vowel soundsthat have significant value. Through the use of color, intuitivelywe see the different pronunciation of words that are spelled thesame, certain words in our ears or words that seem like verydifferent look with the same pronunciation.You will find more information on
Keicho Route 1.1.1
Know the story of Route Keicho, the Japaneseexpedition who visited Spain in the XVII century, becoming thefirst contact between the two countries.From 1613 and for several years, the expedition traveled visitingnumerous locations from the south (Coria) to the north (Barcelona).With this application the user can know the full itineraryadventurers made ​​and you can learn about each of the placesvisited and their cultural heritage (cathedrals, churches, palaces,mosques, monasteries, castles, etc..).You will also meet the protagonists of the adventure, in thegallery of characters, from the samurai Hasekura Tsunenaga andFriar Luis de Sotelo to the Duke of Lerma and Philip III.
Easy Asturias 1.0.1
Easy Asturias es una nueva app que tepermitiráencontrar todo tipo de negocios en Asturias yaprovecharse de susexclusivas ofertas sin canjes ni registros,solamente presentando laapp en los establecimientos.Easy Asturias is a newappthat lets you find all kinds of business in Asturias andtakeadvantage of their exclusive deals with no exchanges orrecords,only presenting the app on the premises.
SmartMILE 1.0.1
All about *SmartMILE 2013 Conference&Exhibition* in your hands.Enjoy with the interesting and cutting edge topics about*SmartCities*:- Renewable Energy (RE)- Urban Solar Farm (USF)- Urban Wind Farm (UWF)- Energy Storage (ES)- Smart Cities and Communities (SCC)- Smart City (SC)- Smart Grids (SG)- Lighting Smart Grids (LSG)- Smart Homes (SH)- Smart Urban Furniture (SUF)- Demand Side Management (DSD)- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Asturian Pre-Romanesque 1.0.2
Extensive information devoted to Asturian Pre-Romanesque art.
Sevilla Industrial 1.1
El proceso de industrialización que desdeelsiglo XIX tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Sevilla nos hadejadonumerosos vestigios materiales y espacios, con notablesedificiosque son muestra de ese pasado industrial que propició elaumento dela población, la generación de miles de empleos y latransformaciónde la ciudad.Hoy, toda esa herencia forma parte de nuestra historia ynuestropatrimonio cultural, pudiendo encontrar los diferentestestimoniosde ese pasado industrial en numerosos rincones deSevilla.A través de esta aplicación, el usuario podrá conocer mejor cadaunode esos edificios y espacios, algunos rehabilitados y connuevosusos, otros aún en espera de una nueva ocupación eintegración en eldesarrollo urbano.La aplicación ofrece abundante información textual eimágenessobre cada uno de los bienes y cinco rutas por la ciudad.Incluyeun mapa de recursos y un localizador que indica, por mediode latecnología GPS, cómo llegar a cada uno de los puntosdeinterés.Theindustrializationprocess since the nineteenth century took place inthe city ofSeville has left many traces, and spaces, with notablebuildingsare proof of this industrial past which led to theincrease inpopulation, generating thousands of jobs and thetransformation ofthe city.Today, all that heritage is part of our history and ourheritage,can find the different testimonies of the industrial pastin manycorners of Seville.Through this application, users can learn more about each ofthesebuildings and spaces, some rehabilitated and new uses, othersarestill waiting for a new occupation and integration inurbandevelopment.The application offers extensive textual information andimageson each of the goods and five routes in the city. Includesaresource map and a locator that indicates, by means ofGPStechnology, how to get to each of the points of interest.